in the font cast member, in the bitmaps radio button part, select sizes
instead of none. bold and italic should become available.

Kerry Thompson wrote:
> D 8.5, Windows.
> We have Comic Sans MS embedded in a movie. It works fine when we display it
> #plain, but not #italic on Windows.
> We're using this code to italicize some words:
> pTextMember.char[startOfRange..endOfRange].fontStyle = #italic
> It looks ok on the Mac, but on the PC, italicizing it makes a major
> change--the font doesn't look like Comic Sans MS at all. It's smaller, and
> several pixels below the other text, almost like subscript text.
> The text is all antialiased. If I remove the antialiasing, the font lines
> up better, and the size is ok, but the lines are much thinner than the
> #plain style.
> It looks like Comic Sans MS doesn't have an italic style built in--the
> choices when you import it are plain and bold.
> Somebody must have run into this before, though I can't find a reference to
> it in the archives.
> Any ideas?
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
                              -- Mother Theresa

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