I can't imagine why you would want this. But assuming that you have
a good reason - here's an untested approach ...
The frame script channel is zero. So first you get the
scriptInstanceList of sprite 0
lBehaviors = sprite(0)scriptInstanceList
This returns a list, but frame scripts only have one element so
thisBehaviorInstance = lBehavior[1]
This is a behavior reference like <offspring "Go to the frame" 1
5c77710> so, get the second item
(You might have to fiddle with the itemdelimiter here or parse out
the thing inside quotes)
thisBehaviorName = item 2 of string(thisBehaviorInstance)
Now get the text of that member
theText = member(thisBehaviorName).scriptText
What you do with that is beyond my imagination.
There is probably an easier way to do what you really want to do than
this. For example, setting some property variable which could be
queried later via:
sendSprite (sendSprite, 0, #mGetSomePropertyVariable)
And have the frame have an mGetSomePropertyVariable to return
whatever it is that you are looking for.
At 6:19 PM -0400 7/20/01, Slava Paperno wrote:
>I can't find out how to refer to the text of the frame script.
>script(frameLabel).scriptText?? Help, anyone? Thanks!
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