Thanks!!!!!!!! you seem to be a nice person.....:-)
It is nice to know it stills some!
I take your advice

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> South Africa

> Don't worry buddy!!! What would be the fun of living if it wasn't for the
> jokes?! ;) Nobody is attacking nobody in here... I bet everyone in here
> a beginner one day... Actually, I'm still a beginner... but I'm proud of
> burning brain cells to play around with lingo in my jobs (lingo is fun....
> not work... I mean, work is fun... ok, enough of nonsense...) even though
> most of times I e-mail the list with stupid basic question (and the guys
> the list must have a considerable amount of patience, cause they actually
> answer my stupid  questions). But that's why we're here... learning... so,
> take no offense, and don't quit the list, cause at least for me, it's the
> best lingo help you can get around (maybe because this help comes from
> living persons, that know what you're going through, and probably have
> there also). :)
> And be cool man!!!
> Best regards,
> Fabio
> At 18:18 23/07/03 +0200, you wrote:
> > > >Uh-oh....Tabs gonna throw the book at us now... :-P
> > >
> > > If the book he throws is Gary's game book, make sure to give it to
> >
> >Was it so bad what i said?
> >I´m having the feeling that it is better for me to leave this list.
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