>> whether or not the app is installed on the same hard drive is
>> irrelevant. the getOSDireectory() returns the path to the system
>> folder which is on the primary hard drive on the user's system. by
>> parsing that you will get the name, or letter if on an Inter system,
>> of that hard drive.
> Now I don't remember the original post--if he's looking for the drive with
> the system installed on it, you're right--getOSDirectory() will do it.
> If he's looking for a file and he's not certain it is on the boot drive, he
> needs to do some finagling. I'm sure you've had to deal with users who have
> multiple hard drives and multiple CD-ROM drives installed.
> But I don't want to get into a pissing contest with you, Al :-) Let's just
> agree that we've both contributed to the discussion, and Kelly can glean
> the necessary info from our posts.

Kerry, Kerry... you just assumed the poster was male, you chauvanist (could
be true, but there's no empirical evidence). I'm rather disappointed in you,
since occasionally poeple seem to think you are female... perhaps that's why
you assume the opposite. :) Hmmm... Kerry/Kelly... Kelly/Kerry... What would
Freud say?


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