I guess it may also be relevant that the text is displayed in an embedded 
font and is antialiased (it has to be). Kerning is off. Ink is Copy.

The earlier post follows, unchanged:

I've traced my projector crashes to this stripped-down script:

--script in a text member sprite

on mouseDown me
   MouseWord = sprite(me.spriteNum).pointToWord(the mouseLoc)
   if MouseWord = -1 then pass
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.word[MouseWord].color =rgb(138, 16, 8)
end mouseDown

on mouseUp me
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.color = rgb(0, 0, 0)
end mouseUp

This stripped-down script highlights the clicked word while the mosue is 
down. When it is executed about 30 times in a row (not with unreasonably 
fast mouseclicks, i.e. waiting long enough to see the color change after 
each click), the projector crashes.

This is a D8 projector, on a G4 w/350 MHz chip and 256 MB RAM, under Mac OS 

The text member has only about 500 characters, but there's a noticeable 
delay before the color changes after the mouseclick. This happens with many 
text members in the same movie.

Has this been noted before? Do these crashes make sense?

If so, is there a workaround?



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