>Hello lingo-pals,
>There's something that is getting into my nerves. I have some videos 
>in my project. They're compacted using Indeo 5.1. The codecs are 
>installed in my machine. In authoring mode, they play just fine, 
>with video AND audio. If I open them through window media player, 
>they work fine also. Preety normal, right?! But when I play them in 
>the projector, they display only the video content, but not the 
>audio. What could it possibly be happening?! I'm using Director 8, 
>Windows 98, AMD K6-2 400, 92 Mb RAM.

Are you finding that you are not getting ANY sound after that? No 
music or button sounds? Sometimes having a sound playing at the same 
time as (or near the same time as) a video with sound can be a big 
no-no on Windows.

Do a search for "soundKeepDevice" in the Tech Notes.


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