Hi Christian -

> not quite clear about the context here, but are they huge images?

> I don't know what scripting you are using, or what size images you're
> cropping... but hope it's of some use...

Sorry for the lack of context.. I'm referring to utilities to crop
sequences of images based on how they differ from a reference image.
(see http://www.invisiblethreads.com/lingo/autocropper/index.html)

Using D8 imaging lingo, copying image 'a' onto the reference image using
the reverse ink will provide a new image which only represents the
differences between the two - ie: as if you had cropped out everything
which was the same.

However, the remainder image contains ONLY the pixels that changed, so
there are many white-space gaps 'inside' the image, meaning you need to
composite the image on the stage using the background-transparent ink.
My utility rather crops the images in the image sequence based on a rect
defining the region of change, rather than isolating each pixel.

Kurt Griffin has a similar utility using the previous approach (that
produces an image with interior white spaces representing non-changing
areas) and I was simply wondering what people thought about the two
approaches, given that one requires the use of background-transparent
ink vs copy ink for the other (and all the relevant speed issues
pertaining to those two inks).


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