Slava Paperno wrote:
> I haven't done the tracing that you have, but I think my Type 2 crashes of
> D8 on Mac OS 9.04 started when I started using the same type of calls...
> Does this Cautionary Tale apply to D8.5?

I suspect so. I tried opening it with 8.5 and had the same crash. (the
project is in 8)

> At 12:43 PM 7/26/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >Two days ago I started getting catastrophic crashes on my Mac that made
> >Director simply vanish from my screen with a Type 2 error*...
> >The line was something very like:
> >  sprite(29 + x).setprops(foo, bar, rabnicky)
> >
> >It was suggested that calling a handler that way, while it works most of
> >the time, is not actually supported and that 'call' or 'sendsprite' are
> >the ways to go. (thanks Dan S.)
> >
> >now I use:
> >sendsprite(29 + x,#setprops,foo, bar, rabnicky)

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