Here's the code:

property pDuration
property spriteNum

on beginSprite me
   pDuration = sprite(spriteNum).member.duration  -- do this once!

on exitFrame
   if sprite(spriteNum).movieTime < pDuration then
      go to the frame
      go to "Homepage"
   end if

But instead of hard-coding the label to go to, you could generalize 
this by having a GetPropertyDescriptionList handler where you allow 
yourself to type in a label to go when the movie is finished playing. 
Then you could re-use this behavior in all places.


At 1:29 AM -0500 7/30/01, Steffanie Grindle wrote:
>I am needing to know how to get the QT movie that I just imported into  my
>dir. movie to play the entire way through before moving on to the next
>marker.  I have already done this with 2 other QT files within this same
>movie, but for some reason the same script won't work.  Here's what I have
>used already:
>on exitFrame
>   if the movierate of sprite 2 = true then
>     go to the frame
>   else
>     go to "Homepage"
>   end if
>end exit frame
>I don't know what else to do.  Any suggestions would be great.
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   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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