
I have sent this post to the other director list DIRECT-L but I
thought it would be more appropriate to send it to this list.
Sorry for those of you that have already read it.


Has anyone ever tried to automate MS Word from a Director script ?

In other words, can we create a Word object in Lingo and then invoke a method from 
this object to open a Word document to execute a Word Macro command ?

Basically, I need to create something similar to this in Lingo:

1) create a Word object
2) Specify a path to a word document
3) Open a document
4) Execute a macro command

(this is a VBScript handler hosted inside an HyperText Application
that does exactly what I would like to do with Lingo)

<title>Word automation from VBScript</title>

  <HTA:APPLICATION ID = "Word2themax"
     APPLICATIONNAME = "Word2themax">

<script language="VBScript">
Sub InvokeMacro()
   Dim oWord
   'oWord represents the MS Word application
   Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   with oWord

     .Visible = True
     .ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\"
     .Documents.Open "Doc1.doc"
     .Run "Project.VBAModule.myMacro"
   end with
end Sub


<body bgcolor="lightsteelblue">

      <input type="button"
             value="Invoke a Word macro command">
       <input type="button" 


Can we do this on both platforms PC/MAC with Director ?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Alphatek inc.

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