At 05:40 PM 7/30/01 +0100, you wrote:
>No i am using Director v8.5
>I think it is naturall that a window becomes active when it is clicked on, 
>so I can understand that my main stage is becoming the active window when 
>clicked on. Only this covers up my pop-up which - even though not 
>momentarily active - needs to be visible as it is to be used to navigate 
>to the next / previous search result.

Check out the window types, Nik.  You can set a variety of window types, 
modal, etc.
"0  Movable, Sizable, No Zoom",
"1  Alert Box or Modal",\
"2  Plain Box, No Title",
"3  Plain Box w/Shadow, No Title",\
"4  Movable w/o Size or Zoom",
"5  Movable Modal",
"8  Standard Document",\
"12  Zoomable Non-Resizable",
"16  Rounded Corner",
"49  Floating Palette, Authoring"

Give those a try...I'm pretty sure one of them will keep the stage from 
coming to front.  I know what you are trying to do is possible...I've done 
things with several navigation panels that were MIAW's which sat on top of 
the stage the entire time.


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