I already tried that, but it means I have to reprogram part of my project
(which worked fine on the win98 machine...)
Windows media player doesn't even recognize ("unknown format") what codec is
used (for different video's with different codecs...)
what can I do? what am I missing...!?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l>no video playback on Win2000
> Try importing the AVI's as QT cast members. Although you'll need to
> QuickTime to make them run, you'll be sure that they'll work without any
> anomalies.
> Don't forget to ship the QT Asset Xtra's too.
> Cordially,
> Pranav Negandhi
> New Media Applications.
> Learnet India Limited, Mumbai.
> Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410
> <snip>
> Oh, I use Avi's with Cinepac codec... I have this codec installed and
> mediaplayer playes the files correctly on my win2000 system...
> <snip>
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