Can you use "the ticks"?? This is a running count and can only (I think) be
reset by re-booting the computer.
-----Original Message-----
Steven Sacks
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> tracking time elapsed using the short time
Director 6.5, Win NT
I'm developing a program for Windows NT and I need to write
a script that will track the amount of time a user has spent
in each Director movie. I can't use the timer because I am
also applying this code to older movies that reset the timer
over and over.
How do I compensate for either 12 hour and 24 hour clocks?
Does hmstoframes or framestohms come into play?
I only need to track hours and minutes, not seconds.
Here's my pseudoscript - can anyone help me finish it?
on startMovie
global gStartTime
set gStartTime = the short time
-- do something to the short time for 12/24 clocks
-- turn it into a string that looks like "HH:MM"
on stopMovie
global gStartTime, gTotalTime
set gStopTime = the short time
set gTotalTime = gStopTime - gStartTime
-- Can you do direct math on the short time like that?
Thanks in advance,
Steven Sacks
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