>      I have to play some 50 odd .mp3 files after an
> .avi file, what happens is if I create a standalone
> exe of the mp3 files it works fine but when I create
> an exe of the avi file and then call the file
> containing the mp3's, no sound plays for the mp3 file,
> only the .avi sound plays after which no .mp3 files
> play, I have a few .wav files, which plays after the
> avi but not mp3. Is there any known problems in
> playing .mp3 files, please let me know. Also please
> suggest which is the best format .wav, .mp3, .swa or
> any other sound format for controlling and as well as
> playing bulk audio files which have been dumped at
> 22,050 Mhz 16Bit stereo. Thanks in advance.

this is the 4th time you have posted this question. if no one
responded it is because no one is awake or no one has an answer.
posting again won't help either...

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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