> Just click "OK for all movies" and this will have the same effect as
> clicking "Adjust" for all movies.

Not exactly true.  I found in D6.5 that that doesn't work, and sometimes
makes things worse.

One of the biggest problems you will have with this is if any of your
cast members use a palette in the shared cast, whether those members
are in the shared cast, an internal cast, or any other cast.  Once you
change the order of graphics, those members will be palette swapped
during runtime (even in 16/24/32 bit monitor mod) A horrible bug.

The workaround I came up with to fix this nastiness is to group
your graphics together in their casts by palette, and on startMovie
(yes, each an every movie on startMovie) call this script:

-- This is D6.5 code - convert at will

on fixPalette x,y,z
  set myPalette = member "palette" of castLib "foo"
  repeat with mem = x to y
    if the type of member mem of castLib z = #bitmap then
      set the palette of member mem of castLib z to myPalette
    end if
  end repeat

You can make this more dynamic if you have a bunch of different
palettes, but if you didn't use Debabelizer to make super palettes,
and all your 8 bit graphics have their own unique palettes, well,
you're fooked and I recommend Debabelizing over trying to fix all
of the graphics with code.

This is how you would call the script to reset the palette of
members 12 through 24 of a castlib called "shared".

fixPalette, 12, 24, "shared"

Note that this only seems to effect palettes in shared casts that
have ever needed to be "Adjust"ed (even once!).

Steven Sacks

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