Hey Terry - thanks for the info - I'm now seeing what you meant in the
chat by the director to flash communication...

I've got a custom function in frame 1 of a nested/nested clip, ie

_root.buttondown.allbuttons, the function being "switchThem" - it asks for
one parameter to be passed, but I really want to call it without any

I've tried

-- but that doesn't work. Although I can directly set the nexted
movieclips inside of buttons with 

so I can do a workaround, but it's pissing me off that 
1) the callframe doesn't work (and is kind of old AS since they went for
functions in f5
2) I can't call FUNCTIONS in a flash sprite, ie even something like

sprite(x).callframe("_root.buttondown.allbuttons.switchThem") - but that's
really doing a telltarget...hmm....

Any ideas?

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