Well Andrew, that's exactly the way I want to do it. Most of it is
working already, Just that hard disk key was missing. I have looked at
BuddyAPi but could not find such a function (probably not included in
Macintosh, which is my developer platform) but now I'll look for it again.

Thank you very much.

best regards, Florian

Andrew Dempsey wrote:
> Hi Roy,
> I am currently working on an application that does what you are talking
> about.
> Here's how we're doing it.
> 1.  User purchases software unlock online, and his info is gathered into a
> database.  User has a unique ID and password (set by him, similar to, say,
> a Macromedia membership www.macromedia.com/membership).
> 2.  The software runs in a default "demo" mode with partial functionality.
> When it runs in demo mode, there is an "unlock" option.
> 3.  If "unlock" is clicked, the user is prompted to enter username and
> password.
> This info is sent via a "getNetText" call to an ASP page that queries the
> SQL database (or you can use access for lower volume) to see if this user
> has
> purchased the unlock key, and if user has purchased it, how many
> installations
> they have made.
> 4. If user has not purchased key, they are prompted to go to the secure
> web page to make the purchase.
> 5. If they have purchased key, and have not surpassed the allowable number
> of
> installations (we allow two), then I use the Buddy Xtra to grab the serial
> number
> of the hard drive, create a unique installation code for that computer, and
> write
> it to a text file that does not have a .txt extension (so that the file will
> not
> automatically open if clicked on - you can do this using the FileIO xtra).
> I use
> Buddy to encrypt the file as well. (Although I am currently evaluating
> UpdateStage's
> vlist xtra as a possible better alternative for storing this code).  The
> projector
> sends an update message to the database via ASP page to add to the number of
> installations for that user by 1.
> 6.  Once this code is written to the text file, the application runs in full
> mode.
> Thereafter, when the application is opened, it detects the presence of that
> stored
> code and if it checks against the serial number of the harddrive (of course,
> it goes through a complex mathematical operation first as an additional
> level of
> security), then the application automatically runs in "full" mode.
> 7.  If the user requires more than the two installations allowed when they
> purchase
> the program, they can send an email to our support, explaining why.  This,
> again, is
> what happens when you purchase software online from macromedia (I got the
> idea from
> them).  Requests for further installations can be evaluated on an individual
> basis.
> This also allows you to sell group licenses, such as 10 installations or
> more.  Your
> backend database system handles the whole thing.  You can full automate the
> system
> by using the directconnection xtra in the projector to handle the connection
> automatically, and the directemail xtra to send a request for more
> installations.
> By doing this, we have implemented a multi-layered security system.  The
> unique
> installation code is only issued to those who have made the purchase, and it
> is done
> by a "behind the scenes" transaction between the projector and the online
> database.
> No unlock code is emailed or given to a client.  Secondly, the code is
> stored in an
> encrypted file that would be difficult for anyone to find or open.  Thirdly,
> the stored
> code is unique to the computer, so it will not work on other machines.
> Finally,
> the final line of defense is that the code is created by a  complex
> mathematical
> operation that the projector runs - more challenge for any potential
> crackers.
> Hope this isn't too long... just wanted to give you some details that
> might help.  I am pretty busy with projects now, but if you want to talk
> more,
> I'll see what I can do.
> Andrew
> > >I want to establish a copy protection similar to windows XP. In detail i
> > >would like to read out things like amount of RAM, harddisk serial etc
> > >and combine that into a serial number. Since my application has to be
> > >online anyway, it will check this serial number with an online database
> > >and therefore know whether it is legal or not.
> > >
> > >Any ideas, xtras or something?
> >
> > So, I have to buy a new version when I increase my RAM, or upgrade my
> > hard-drive?
> ------------------------------------------
> Andrew Dempsey
> Multimedia Developer and Consultant
> Cairo, Egypt
> Phone/Fax:  (+202) 267-7691
> Web:  www.andrewdempsey.com
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