Hello all...

I am a newcomer to Director and this list and have searched the archives and
the couple of books I have about this, but have some misunderstanding that I
would love if someone could clarify for me.

Is it possible to build a projector that can load in new cast members from
an external file...say another Director movie...load these cast members into
its own cast and save them for future use? In other words, I am trying to
see if I can update the cast content of a movie with an "updater" movie that
could be loaded as a MIAW (or in whatever way worked) to load cast member
content (graphics, sound, etc.) into the original projector and save it.

I know I can load these things into RAM through MIAW's and work with them in
my presentation, but I want to be able to permanently modify my movie with
the new content.

Can this be done?

Jake Aust

Interactive Multimedia ­- Photo Retouching -- Graphic Design

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