At 3:43 PM -0400 8/8/01, Keith Nitsch wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm just curious if it's possible to detect when a browser window has been
>resized from shockwave. I have a shockwave peice that that uses the "expand
>stage size" setting and need to reposition some elements after a resize.

Excellent question!  There's no existing feature for getting this
notification directly.  Please email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and ask
for it.  Kind of makes working with scalable Shockwave a pain in the ***,
doesn't it?

Here's the best solution I've come up with so far:

global gLastStageSize

on installStageSizeScanner
  gLastStageSize = (the stage).rect
  timer = timeout("stageSizeScan")
  timer.period = 1000
  timer.persistent = TRUE
  timer.timeoutHandler = #checkStageSize = VOID
  (the timeoutList).add(timer)
end installStageSizeScanner

on checkStageSize
  if gLastStageSize <> (the activeWindow).rect then
    -- let the sprites know the stage has changed size
    sendAllSprites #resizeToStage
    gLastStageSize = (the activeWindow).rect
  end if
end checkStageSize


...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on accessResources
  coolSites = [ \
    "";, "";, \
    "";, "";, \
    "";, ""; ]
  gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources

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