I don't know if this is a bug but:

        I'm trying to output all the behaviour, parent script, movie 
script, member names into the message window so that I can prepare a 
spreadsheet of them.
        I thought I'd found a solution in:

on spewNames me, whichcast
   put whichcast
   counter = the number of members of castLib whichcast
   repeat with j = 1 to counter
     put the name of member j of castlib whichcast
   end repeat

        I started out with dot syntax, but that started giving errors all 
over the place. This handler fails when the counter gets to 6, but the 
error I get is that castlib 6 couldn't be found. Also this doesn't 
happen every time. Sometimes it works fine but regardless of which cast 
I specify it looks at the default cast "internal".

Any Ideas?

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