Just to clarify:

You want to be able to parse an XML document (on the local drive, or at a
URL), and proudce a nested property list representation of that XML. Am I

And you've already examined what comes back from XMLParser.makeList(),
right? And you don't like what you see from that method?

If everything above is true, then you may want to take a look at DOM-Lingo.
You can parse your XML with it (without using the Xtra), then get a nested
property list from the processor. Or you can use the DOM to access the nodes
and structure of the document tree.

Does have a property list afford you some additional benefits in your
application? Or are you just looking to parse and access the data in a
reliable and simple way?

Christopher Watson
Sr. Software Engineer
Lightspan, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:44 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> xml parser links/questions

Hey all 

I'm trying to fool with the xml parser and I just can't believe what kind
of a mess it is for just a quick flip to an internal list - hell I'd
rather deal with a proplist anyway...

does anyone have any links/pages/ideas on taking an xml and flipping to a

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