At 2:46 PM +0200 7/2/01, Andreas Zeitler wrote:
>Not seen yet?
Nope - btw you'd find a lot more responsiveness on Multiuser questions if
you posted them to the Multiuser-L mailing list. Details are at
>First at all - thank you for your prompt answer!
>It brought me forward insofar, as i didn't know that i can use a system
>function with the sendmessage() command. But there seems to be something
>wrong which i can't solve:
>Sending a message from the serverscript to connected movies does work.
>Sending a system command from within the serverscript does work (great!) -
>the command gets performed, but:
>Sending a system command should cause response from the server. The
>MUS-documentation says, that providing "system.script.subject" as the
>subject in sendmessage() makes the server reply to the serverscript. In my
>script it does not. There is no reply, neither to the serverscript nor to
>any connected movie, when i send a systemcommand from the serverscript.
>it looks like this:
>on UserLogon ( me, movie, group, user )
> put
> put
> movie.SendMessage ("system.dbplayer.getattribute",
>"system.script.anysubject", [#userid: "zeiti", #application:
>"MyApplication", #attribute: #points])
>i just want to get the value of this attribute passed to the
>incomingmessage() handler of the serverscript.
It appears that you can officially use sendMessage() to send a message to
users, groups, movies and server-side scripts, but not internal MUS
commands such as the one you are trying to use. If the call to a system.
recipient other than system.script is working at all, then it's an
undocumented feature.
I'm still researching this one. The other thing is that you are not using
all of the arguments for sendMessage:
whichServerUser.sendMessage( "system.script.subject", \
messageContents {, errorCode {, protocolFlag {, stringSenderID}}})
I would try:
movie.SendMessage ("system.dbplayer.getattribute", \
"system.script.anysubject", \
[#userid: "zeiti", #application: "MyApplication", #attribute: #points], \
0, FALSE, "system.script.yourScriptIDHere")
Let us know if this works!
...---===| Terry R. Schussler |===---...
...---===| Chief Investigator |===---...
on accessResources
coolSites = [ \
"", "", \
"", "", \
"", "" ]
gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources
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