> You can use BuddyAPI to restrict the movement of the cursor...
> RestrictCursor
> Description:    baRestrictCursor restricts the cursor to a specified part of
> the screen.
> Usage:        baRestrictCursor( Left, Top, Right, Bottom  )

That raises an interesting question, though - how do you exclude the cursor
from a rect, not contain it within a rect, as in this case, where the cursor
needs to stay outside of a QT?

It seems to me that baPlaceCursor() might be a better fit (FWIW,
restrictCursor() is not available on the Mac side, anyway) in this case.
Either way, though, you're going to need to do some polling of the mouseLoc.

Try this (attach to the Quicktime sprite):
property pMySprite
property pMyRect
property pLastLoc
on beginSprite me
  pMySprite = sprite(me.spritenum)
  pMyRect = pMySprite.rect
on exitFrame me
  currentCursorLoc = the mouseLoc
  if inside(currentCursorLoc, pMyRect) then
    baPlaceCursor(pLastLoc.locH, pLastLoc.locV)
    pLastLoc = currentCursorLoc + point(the stageLeft, the stageTop)
  end if

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