You're invited to a talk on Language Myths & Hoaxes followed by book-signing
by Anu Garg:
  Mon, Nov 12, 7:00pm: Powell's Books, Beaverton, Oregon
  Sat, Nov 17, 6:30pm: Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, Washington
  Wed, Nov 21, 7:30pm: Elliott Bay Book Company, Seattle, Washington

or to tune in to one of these broadcasts:
  Mon, Nov 12, 9:00am: KATU TV, Portland, Oregon
  Tue, Nov 20, 9:00am: KUOW 94.9 FM, Seattle, Washington
  Mon, Dec 10, 8:30am: KDVS 90.3 FM, Davis, California

Details at http://wordsmith.org/awad/speaking.html

And now on to this week's theme...

Sometimes when I'm waiting in a line at a supermarket or at the post office,
I wonder about the people around me. The one in motorcycle gear with chains
jangling from his pocket, I wonder if he is really a scaredy-cat at home.

The stooping man at the head of the line... what he might be doing after he's
done here: go back to work or return home to tend to his pet caterpillars?
How about the woman who seems to be in a hurry: would she be picking up her
kids from school after this or go around netting initiates for her
multi-level-marketing cult?

Who knows? But it's fun to guess, and to think words that would fit best if
you had to choose a word for them. This week we'll feature five words to
describe people.

mystagogue (MIS-tuh-gog) noun

   One who teaches mystical doctrines or one who inititates others into
   religious cults.

[From Latin mystagogus, from Greek mystagogos, from mystes (an initiate) +
agogos (leader).]

-Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)

  "Part mystagogue, part monster, Gauguin bragged about his savageries,
   his insults and his lusts. Yet he saw himself as holy."
   Paul Richard; Gauguin's Fantasy Island; Washington Post; Nov 29, 1996.

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Genius is eternal patience. -Michelangelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter,
architect, and poet (1475-1564)

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