AWADmail Issue 301
                         Apr 6, 2008

     A Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day
    and Other Interesting Tidbits about Words and Languages


From: Sigmund Shapiro (sig
Subject: Re: Fugetaboutit

I heard a Brooklyn-born Rabbi give a sermon in Baltimore using (with the
proper spelling) fugedaboudit as a vehicle for overlooking interpersonal
problems among friends and family. It works for me.


From: Johnnie Godwin (johnniegodwin
Subject: Re: "Howdy"

Being from West Texas, "howdy" is a part of my heritage and life. In Russia
as I worked at a book fair, I taught a young translator "howdy". The next
day she tapped me on the shoulder and proudly said, "Hoot!"

In Stockholm at The City Hotel, I abruptly asked a man, "Howdy, where are
y'all from?" He was shocked and replied, "Ahhhmm Sorrry; I speak only
English." He was from Australia.


From: Judith B. Glad (gladhaus
Subject: Druthers--an old friend

I learned this word at my great-aunt's knee, way back in the 1930s, when
she was in her sixties. It was as much a part of her vocabulary as 'ain't',
which to her was perfectly correct, as it had been when she was a child.
Later my step-father, who was something of a linguist, used to scold me for
using 'druthers', saying it wasn't a real word, but I had my druthers, and
just kept on using it. Not until today was I aware of where it had come
from, mostly because I'd just never thought about it.


From: Jacqueline Janelle Keh (jjanelle08
Subject: feedback: druthers

On the second season of the CBS show "How I Met Your Mother", Hammond Druthers
is the name of the protagonist's boss at an architectural firm. Mr. Druthers
was very particular about the details on his models. Like he'druther have
it his way than anyone else's. AND he always took the credit. Apt name, I


From: Gail Holstein (gai
Subject: druthers

I remember that in the comic strip Li'l Abner, people would "druther" eat
their "druthers" than anything else. I always thought Al Capp invented the
term. Does anybody know?

   The first citation of the word is from 1876 when Al Capp
   wasn't even born. He did help popularize it though.
   -Anu Garg


From: David Davis (ddavis017
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--prithee

Prithee can sound like pretty. Maybe led to the redundant,
Please, please, pretty please.


From: Stephanie Shattuck (shattuck68
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--willy-nilly

Once, when I was working at a small but prestigious law firm, we had
a case before the Florida Supreme Court regarding polling places, about
whether residents ought to be mandated only to vote at their own polling
place or be allowed to go to another.

We had a secret side bet with the attorney arguing the case to see if he
could get a Florida Supreme Court Justice to use the term willy-nilly, and
he did! One Justice asked how we could be sure that people wouldn't go out,
willy-nilly, and vote at any old polling place they pleased, thus creating
a headache for the poll workers. We didn't win the case, but that attorney
was still a winner in our book.


From: Arlan L. Rosenbloom (rosenal
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--willy-nilly

I thought that willy-nilly was the problem treated with Viag ra!


From: Bonnie Loshbaugh (bloshbaugh
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--blimey

I understand the religious exclamations were quite popular in medieval
times. In the young adult book "Catherine, Called Birdy", the main
character experiments with various God's (body part)! themed oaths. I
think she settled on 'God's thumbs!' One of these contractions that is
still in use, at least in comic books, is 'Zounds' -- a contraction of
'God's wounds'.


From: Margaret Roman (teragram
Subject: Cor blimey!

I was so pleased that you included this term in the week's offering. It took
me back to my two years at a very Victorian British boarding school for blind
and partially sighted girls in the mid-sixties. Because of having nothing to
fear from this venerable exclamation, they used it with the reckless abandon
that only frustrated teenagers can muster. But it was months before I had the
guts to finally ask what it actually meant!

One of the girls had enough sight to read with the aid of a flashlight and
magnifier. They decided to take advantage of having a resident American and
so, each night after lights out, she read us sections of "The Catcher in
the Rye". Sadly, I was a great disappointment, being clueless about the
slang they wanted me to translate. In the end, I learned much more from them
about language than they did from me.


From: Shannon O'Hara (sohara28
Subject: Re: Blimey

"Other examples of similar euphemistic contractions, mostly out of use, are:
Strewth: God's truth
'sblood: God's blood
Lassy me: Lord save me"

It had never occurred to me before, but "Lawsy", a favorite expression of
Prissy (Gone with the Wind), must also be a contraction of "Lord save me."
Prissy was always saying "Lawsy, Miss Scarlett..."

I wish HBO and the motion picture studios would consider returning to those
exciting days of yesteryear and replacing the ubiquitous "F-bombs" with
"lawsy", "blimey", or "strewth". People have become so inured to frequent
foul language that the unexpected insertion of one of these antique oaths
could be quite delightful.


From:   John George (
Subject:        Re: A.Word.A.Day--blimey

I will observe that another of these "mostly out of use" contractions is
"gadzooks", literally "God's hooks", allegedly referring to the nails with
which Christ was affixed to the cross. Another antique term of surprise was
"ods bodkin!" This meant "God's bodkin", where a bodkin is a kind of dagger
(referred to in Hamlet, in the famous soliloquy).

I confess a fondness for archaic terms, forsooth.

   Also see gadzookery:
   -Anu Garg


From: Peg Ihinger (pihinger
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--blimey

Another term, which I ran across while researching my second novel, set
in the 17th century, is "oddsfish", which is a contraction/corruption of
"God's flesh". I thought it sounded so funny and strange that I adopted
it as my own personal cuss word to use when I was trying to break myself
of the swearing habit. It's heard pretty frequently around my house.


From: Roderick Wilkins (roderick.wilkins
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--blimey        

Interesting you should say 'Strewth' has become archaic. If you lived
in the UK, S. Africa, Australia, or New Zealand you would hear it often.
Another mark of our US insularity, perhaps?


From: Jessica Bibbee (bibbeejessica
Subject: "de lore" - conjoined words

I still remember the day when I was five years old and realized that the
"delore" at the beginning of my prayers should indeed be pronounced
"Dear Lord,..." -- a prime example of how a lack of understanding what is
heard quickly gives way to a new pronunciation, though in this case, it
didn't stick! 


From: Ed Spaeth (edspaeth
Subject: contracted words

If I had my druthers, I wouldn't have changed the word Halloween either.
I liked the word when I first learned to spell it in grade school some 50+
years ago -- Hallowe'en. I don't know how many years ago it was when I
first noticed that it was acceptable to spell it without the apostrophe.
But, just now my computer has highlighted the word with the properly
placed apostrophe as a spelling error.


From: Judge James A. Shapiro (judgeshapiro
Subject: Words formed by contraction

This week's theme reminded me of the critical and common Spanish word
"Usted". It is the formal form of the second person pronoun "you" (the
analogue of "vous" in French and "Sie" in German). And it evolved as a
contraction of the medieval-sounding "Vuestra Merced", or "your mercy".

The appropriately beautiful or ugly sound of any word is an illusion wrought
on us by what the word connotes.
-Max Beerbohm, writer, critic, and caricaturist (1872-1956)

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