So many mythological animals live on in literature, in our minds, and in
our imagination, that they would fill a virtual zoo.

Because these creatures are myths, they're not bound by biological rules.
Sometimes they're part human, part animal. They could have a human head
and an animal body, or vice versa.

These permutations and combinations of body parts make it look as though
the gods were playing a mix-n-match game of combining parts to make
composites. At times, one of these mythical animals had more than a single

Enjoy looking at the menagerie this week and feel free to use their
attributes metaphorically in situations in your life.

chimera (ki-MEER-uh, ky-) noun

   1. A fanciful fabrication; illusion.

   2. An organism having genetically different tissues.

[After Chimera, a fire-breathing female monster in Greek mythology who had
a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. From Greek khimaira
(she-goat), ultimately from the Indo-European root ghei- (winter) that is
the ancestor of words such as chimera (literally a female animal that is one
winter, or one year old), hibernate, and the Himalayas, from Sanskrit him
(snow) + alaya (abode).]

Today's word in Visual Thesaurus:

-Anu Garg (words at

  "The government subsidies [for bio-fuel] may quickly dry up once
   policymakers face up to the reality of their euphoric chimera,
   and food shortages threaten political stability and national security."
   Abdullah A. Dewan; Fuel Versus Food; The Daily Star (Dhaka, Bangladesh);
   Apr 24, 2008.

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My poverty is not complete: it lacks me. -Antonio Porchia, writer

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