Oh, the places you'll go! The summer is here (at least in the Northern
Hemisphere) and it's time to head out. In A.Word.A.Day we'll take you
to places that have words coined after them. In this trip we'll visit
Europe, specifically, Ireland, England, Sardinia, Belgium, and Etruria.

This week we'll look at toponyms, words derived from the names of places.
The word toponym is from Greek topos (place), the same word that gave us
topic, topiary, isotope, and utopia. All aboard the AWAD Express!

balbriggan (bal-BRIG-uhn) noun

   A knitted, unbleached cotton fabric, used in hosiery and underwear.

[After Balbriggan, a town near Dublin in Ireland, where it was first made.]

Today's word in Visual Thesaurus: http://visualthesaurus.com/?w1=balbriggan

-Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)

  "No, there you are, as sensible as ever you were, with a pair of good
   balbriggan stockings on and sensible shoes."
   Agatha Christie; The Mystery of the Blue Train; 1928.

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History is a vast early warning system. -Norman Cousins, editor and author

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