The FTTN is an unbelievably dumb policy, dollar for dollar. But hey, that's
why we invite the uninformed to make policy choices at election time.

However, the critical component of getting Turbull to go ahead with FTTP is
a face-saver.  I'm not sure what available but what looks hopeful are the
suggestions made by Simon Hacket, specifically, reducing the number of
points of interconnect and reducing the CPE to a single Ethernet port.
These could be used to knock a bit of the FTTP cost and everyone is allowed
to be more-or-less sane.

- Jim

On 26 November 2013 14:01, Jan Whitaker <> wrote:

> NBN petitioners target Turnbull, MPs
> Published: November 26, 2013 - 1:38PM
> National broadband network (NBN) campaigners are delivering a
> petition with 270,000 signatures to MPs across the country as they
> fight for a fibre-to-the-premises plan.
> The online petition is being presented to 145 federal
> parliamentarians and to NBN Co headquarters in Sydney on Tuesday.
> The petitioners want the Abbott government to invest in the
> fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) model over the cheaper, but much slower
> fibre-to-the-node option the Coalition campaigned on at the election.
> NBN Defender spokesman Alex Stewart said the group wanted to
> underscore widespread community support for a to-the-home broadband plan.
> "We want [Communications Minister] Malcolm Turnbull to know he cannot
> ignore the voices of so many Australians, so we are taking our
> message to his parliamentary colleagues across the country and asking
> them to put pressure on him," he said in a statement.
> "This is the most critical infrastructure project facing Australia
> right now and the public wants to see an increase in the amount of
> fibre-to-the-premises being rolled out.
> "There is no economic case for fibre-to-the-node."
> Mr Turnbull has previously responded to the group's online petition
> by saying he won't walk away from one of the Coalition's "most well
> debated, well understood and prominent policies".
> The Queensland student who started the petition, Nick Paine, says the
> fact the petition has taken off shows there's "a real depth of
> feeling about this issue in the community".
> This story was found at:
> Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how
> do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your
> space.
> ~Margaret Atwood, writer
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