
And how far is that likely to go with our new Human Rights Commissioner?        

Non-issue for Australians I'm afraid ... we no longer have any human rights.

Just my 2 cents worth ...
On 18 Dec 2013, at 8:42 am, Kim Holburn <k...@holburn.net> wrote:

> http://news.softpedia.com/news/United-Nations-Approves-Internet-Privacy-Resolution-403948.shtml
>> United Nations Approves Internet Privacy Resolution
>> The United Nations’ human rights committee passed a “right to privacy” 
>> resolution that was sponsored by Germany and Brazil. The new document 
>> protects the right to privacy against illegal surveillance even in the 
>> online world. 
>> The resolution was built by the two countries, with contributions from other 
>> nations, in the fallout of the NSA scandal, stating specifically that 
>> governments and companies who deal with surveillance or data interception 
>> “may violate or abuse human rights.”
>> Despite the already-long history of the Internet, this is the first time 
>> that human rights in the online medium are mentioned, pointing out that 
>> these should prevail, everywhere. 
>> The resolution also mentions that surveillance can have a negative impact 
>> “in particular when carried out on a mass scale, may have on the exercise 
>> and enjoyment of human rights.”
>> Fifty-five countries co-sponsored the resolution, including nations such as 
>> France, Russia and North Korea. While the document doesn’t make a direct 
>> reference to the United States, it’s obvious what triggered the new 
>> resolution. Furthermore, by not pointing the finger, the document has a 
>> wider reach, applying to all countries that may be involved in such 
>> activities. 
> http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2013/gashc4094.doc.htm
> -- 
> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
> T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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