On 19/12/13 14:18, Roger Clarke wrote:
> At 14:05 +1000 19/12/13, Andy Farkas wrote:
>> ps. The climate in Bundaberg "is the most equable of any Australian
>> town or city and ranked 5th on a worldwide comparison."
>> - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundaberg#Climate
> In the 12 years I lived there, the temperature was in the range 42-92.
> That's F for Fahrenheit, for the youngsters among us.
> Let's see now, '-32, times 5/9' = range 5.5 to 33 in Celsius.
> It's 35.2 in Canberra - 11 degrees of lat and 1200km to the south.
> I gather that the equable weather hasn't changed since 1956-66 ...

5.5C is too low. It rarely gets below 10C. There is a chart at the
WP link.

It seems the WP article references a Bundaberg council document,
which in turn does not include any references.  I have emailed the
council asking for clarification to where they got their info.


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