You don't say how she's intending to do this, via a smartphone, or by 
logging in to internet cafes or libraries.

If it's with a smartphone the roaming charges could be a bit rough, if 
it's by public access point security is a concern.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I like the idea of not travelling with a 
pile of gadgets.

How about making her a Wordpress instance and using that? Takes about 
five minutes to set up and really easy to use.

On 08/02/15 14:18, Stephen Loosley wrote:
> Advice and suggestions please?
> Soon my retired sister and a friend of hers will be travelling around South 
> America for several months
> She has asked for an online place to keep a travel diary with photos so that 
> we family can follow her adventures.
> I might suggest Facebook, but I'm not sure all of the family have Facebook 
> pages so some of us could not see her diary. And of course I'm not enamoured 
> with their terms-of-use. But, I'm told their privacy provisions are now good. 
> Maybe I'm paranoid, but it doesn't seem smart to enable the world to see her 
> future travel plans with hotels and times. So, to start, limited access might 
> be good. Besides, we are quite willing to pay for a good cloud system, it 
> need not be free. Ease of use is perhaps one of the most important factors.
> So can anyone recommend an online cloud, so my sister can keep in touch with 
> all of us (so with two-way comments) and to record her up-coming travel 
> adventures?
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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