At 10:33 AM 9/11/2015, Roger Clarke wrote:

>UK Prime Minister David Cameron said in a statement the aim was to 
>make sure all of Britain is online, in order to become the most 
>prosperous economy in Europe.

It's a great aim. And having decent connectivity is part of the equation. But 
it's not the whole part. Where govts strike trouble is when they assume 
everyone does have access and that their systems are designed for 
accessibility. We all know that's bad thinking and leads to disenfranchisement.

Heck, we've just had a story about a brand new multi-story carpark at Frankston 
Hospital withOUT a lift. Think about that in terms of discrimination. Yes, they 
have made the ground level 'reserved' for patients, but what about staff 
mobility from those 2 upper levels? At least they put in stairs!

If you want a sure bet, always take the side of a govt stuffing up something in 
a major, or it seems even a common sense minor, project.


I write books.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: <>JL_Whitaker

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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