At 01:59 AM 25/02/2016, Paul Brooks you wrote:
>Periodic or continuous off-site
>backups of computers/laptops, or NASs, software/firmware checks and updates 
>everything, permanently streaming security cameras/nannycams. Four to six
>laptops/desktops each downloading the same antivirus database updates hourly.

I got my first 'warning' re date quota use last month, which I thought was a 
nice touch from internode. I still had a lot left by my estimation, but 

I've been surprised at how much my data usage has gone up for just me by adding 
a tablet to my mix. Granted, I have oversubscribed to audio feeds (am trimming 
back once I've seen that I don't listen to all that I download), but I'm sure 
updating of just the main software is adding to my usage quite a bit, and 
growing. That's just one device. 

I also believe that updates of just OS on my laptop is using more. I've pretty 
much stopped using my desktop (XP) so that doesn't get updated, but if I was 
maintaining a desktop as well, that would add even more. 

I'm almost to the stage of switching from a 50Gb plan to an unlimited plan so I 
don't have to worry about it. 


I write books.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: <>JL_Whitaker

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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