At 11:15 AM 29/05/2016, David Boxall wrote:
>>like kids and their educations, how far left behind will they be if they 
>>can’t access anything? Even socially? Then there is business, It’s 
>>ridiculous trying to upload anything to Youtube, I can only imagine how 
>>frustrating it would be for some to send and receive data. All the while we 
>>are being pushed with one hand to be an “innovative society”, ridiculous. 
>>Well we certainly will have to be innovative in a few years when the internet 
>>no longer works sufficiently to keep up with the rest of the world.
>Surprised that all exchanges aren't already served by fibre.
>With ABS figures still showing demand rising exponentially in this country, 
>perhaps it's time to stock up on canned food and bottled water. If our 
>government can manage telecommunications so poorly, heaven knows what else is 
>about to fail. 

Does anyone else think that when Labor releases its NBN policy in coming weeks 
that the polls will go nuts? I'm surprised the bushies aren't screaming bloody 
murder at their Nat MPs. They are being sold down the river -- again.


I write books.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: <>JL_Whitaker

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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