> On 1 Jun 2016, at 2:34 PM, Bernard Robertson-Dunn <b...@iimetro.com.au> wrote:
> On 1/06/2016 2:12 PM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
>> Mmmm, 
>> As will the attendant hardware - and no I don’t just mean the cars.
>> Roads will need to be maintained with highly visible white marking and/or 
>> embedded sensors.
> How about off-road driving? Dirt tracks, driveways, ad hoc parking,
> grass verge parking, tradesmen's utes, caravan/horsebox/boat/trailer towing?

Yes, I agree. Initially.

Vehicles for said purposes will probably need to be redesigned. Navigational 
abilities would probably need to rely more on in-car sensors, previously 
ascertained maps and GPS rather than road based sensors and centralised control 
systems. Software would/could switch between driving modes dependent on the 
technical sophistication of the driving environment. New vehicle types may need 
to be designed for those purposes … though todays simple modular cabin/chassis 
and tray designs would probably be adaptable for purpose.

As for towing trailers and the like … well, we have to attach power/signal 
cords for brake and signal lights on same today, so what’s the problem with 
feeding more data/sensor information down the cord. The car would then adjust 
its performance parameters based on the data it received from the towed vehicle.

As for the enthusiasts … the 'metal heads’. Well, no need for restrictions on 
private roads or off-road facilities created for purpose, but when using public 
rods and facilities they operate to the same rules as the rest of us - as they 
do today. Indeed, there’s more room for latitude with how the vehicle is driven 
(by human or automatically) in off-road situations … I’d suggest a ‘drive at 
own risk’ regime (with all the insurance and other ‘reasonable man’ 
implications that has) could be easily implemented.

> The problem with automation is that you need to cover every eventuality,
> error condition and exception. Humans tend to be much better, on
> average, than machines when it comes to exceptions and unexpected
> conditions. Unless of course they drive so infrequently that their skill
> levels and reaction times deteriorate.

So you’d consider a demented 90 year old driving with no controls, someone ill 
with a high fever, headache or delusions bought on by same, someone going 
through a schizoid episode, a hyper aggressive Double Y hormone man, a drunk or 
stoned individual, a frustrated down and out going through a messy divorce, or 
even someone who’s late for work ... as qualified to drive a car? You’d say 
that having effectively no real controls about who gets behind what wheel at 
any given time is preferable to automating our driving experience?

Bottom line, there are risks with both ‘systems’ … but the automated one is 
more likely to be fine tuned and perfected much more easily. The one that 
relies on humans, with all their inherent imperfections, will continue to carry 
all the attendant risks. I’ve seen nothing in my life that indicates that the 
human race will improve … but technology does demonstrably improve.

And I’m NOT saying that the automated driving regime would or should be bought 
in willy nilly over the course of a day or a week or a month. It will happen 
gradually. Today you can buy a car with a rear view camera. Tomorrow this will 
also include a radar/sensor for collision detection that will auto stop the car 
from reversing. Next month you may have the same sensor mounted on the front of 
your car. And the government may upgrade city and main roads. And GPS may 
improve in its next iteration. And Google will map to roads to to centimetric 
levels of accuracy, including altimeter and other data. And new signalling 
sensors will be added to complement the current lights and other traffic 
control hardware - that are capable of dialling up and down speeds that cars 
are capable of. 

Again, just my 2 cents worth ...

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