Is it any wonder that NBN™ is being compared to Fawlty Towers?

I had Skymuster install done today and so far so good. Even though the installer warned me it could take up to 48hours, the connection was working by the time he left. Initial speedtests were over 23 MBs download and over 4MBs upload, so got to be happy with that. However, the roll out system is ridiculous and will currently be slowing down people being connected. As he has a 3 hour drove to get here and 3 hours to get home, he can only do connections at one destination before it is time for him to go home again. But, my mother is in the same house yard, so he will have to do the trip all over again next Tuesday to do her installation, instead, if he was allowed to group the installations on one place, he could have done both today, and that would have left Tuesday available to do another installation somewhere else, and if bringing my mothers forward was an issue, I would have been happy to wait a week if it made it simpler. Same has happened on a neighbours place, and not only does he have to go back to do the second installation, but the first one was the worker cottage, not the main house, but he had no choice as to which he had to do. With the long distances the installer needs to travel to do connections out here, a lot more thought should be put into how they are organised so they can be put in groups rather than a random one here and then somewhere hours in the other direction the next day - where there is the possibility of putting in two connections on property or two close together properties in one day. Then there is the information he is given. For some reason nbn refuses to leave the property names as part of the address, even though around here, that is how our addresses work and how people know where to find us. Until he contacted me, he assumed, by the address he was given, that he was doing an installation about 50km away, once I gave him the property name, he knew exactly where he was going. He would also like the contact details to include our UHF radio channel as he knows that there is a good chance we use them as we don't have mobile coverage, and it makes sense from a safety angle.
Then there's this comment:
... he was given two installs on the one day, gets to the first one, mentions where he the next one is, only to be told it is 3 hours away. Calls the company he is contractor for to explain he won't be able to get to the second one that day and they say the jobs can't be that far apart, they have the same postcode. ...

David Boxall                    |  In a hierarchical organization,
                                |  the higher the level,       |  the greater the confusion.
                                | --Dow's Law.
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