OK I have scanned through this discussion and you all seem to be coming from a particular starting point which is the here and now which in my view is PEAK PRIVATE VEHICLE.

I had a brief glimmer of hope when a few people mentioned the laws of physics, but then the assumptions dashed them. The laws of physics say we cannot all get into a personal private car and expect to get to our destination and park it. So, unless the driverless cars become a micro one person vehicle, I do not see any significant benefit.

Here in the Inner west of Sydney (those in Inner Melbourne have already had their victory) we are fighting WestCONnex.

The reality is that people are not even bothering to get drivers licenses or purchase vehicles - though the argument is they need one if they are to get to their place of employment, recreation etc. In Sydney we have had several failed toll road projects including the lane cove tunnel and the cross city tunnel there is no evidence that Westconnex will be any different. Congestion on Victoria Road is evidence of people avoiding tolls.

I have just driven up to Brisbane and back which was a truly horrible experience (made worse by the realisation we could probably have done most of the trip via Narrabri on the train). Trees are being felled, bushland and farmland destroyed to construct massive roads. Towns through which the highway once passed are now a significant detour. Brisbane was this horrid experience of freeways on the foreshore of the city. This is also what has happened to construct the Motorway to the North West of Sydney through the Sydney Blue Gums.

Someone mention the M5 - from time to time I drive against the traffic on virtually my own private motorway - 3 unused lanes in the opposite direction. I observe the people sitting parked on the M5 - there is rarely more than one person in each car. Roads are taking up precious real estate and they are never going to get anyone anywhere faster!

I haven't even got onto the Social (time not spent at work, with family, or friends) health cost of accidents (sitting in cars for prolonged times, car accident victims who do not die) , the environmental costs of the fuel, air and noise pollution.

Shopping malls are designed for people to drive to them fill up their trolleys and drive home. They are also designed for very large trucks to make large scale deliveries - there are other models that are better for humanity and the environment!

We are asking all governments to prioritise public transport over the private vehicle (the poles and wires is about selling off the electricity assets to fund the building of the road!):

No WestConnex: Public transport not motorways
Stop 33km of motorway destruction planned for Sydney | Don’t swap
poles and wires for tolls and tyres..The total cost is now predicted to be $16.8 billion. When it was announced in October 2012, the original cost of WestConnex was $10 billion...

The National Audit Office has just announced an Audit into federal funding of Westconnex (Due to table: January, 2017):

The objective of this audit is to assess whether appropriate steps
were taken to protect the Commonwealth's interests and obtain value
for money in respect to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding
committed to the NSW Government for the WestConnex project.


Further Reading:
05/01: Trends in travel in the Greater Sydney Region (2002/3 - 2012/3)

01/04: Word Clouds of 10% of Westconnex Index to Non privileged Papers

10/04: Australia could have a high speed train by 2025!


Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email:  marghan...@ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au

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