On 2016-08-27 08:58 JanW  wrote:

> At 10:29 PM 26/08/2016, Antony Barry wrote:
>> Back to petrol, I buy around 30 litres a month. 
> Me too -- without using the bike or walking much. :))
> Buy local, plan trips.

...and buy some model of Prius!  I get a long-term average of just under 5 
litres/100Km from my Prius-C, and that includes a lot of 110 Km/hour travel 
between The Highlands and Sydney where it's less efficient.  Interestingly, the 
trip to Sydney, which is significantly downhill, normally requires about 
3.8-3.9 litres/100Km but that figure increases to 5.0-5.2 on the uphill journey 

It's surprising how one's attitude to petrol price changes with such an 
economical vehicle.

David L.
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