Government pushes ahead with controversial telco security bill

Brandis introduces bill to implement TSSR regime

Rohan Pearce (Computerworld)  10 November, 2016 07:30

Attorney-General George Brandis yesterday introduced in the Senate a bill to 
implement the government’s Telco Sector Security Reforms program.

The TSSR bill — Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 — 
has previously been the subject of a public consultation, with the government 
releasing two exposure drafts.

The telco industry expressed concerns over both exposure drafts …

The bill is intended to ensure that Australia’s telecommunications 
infrastructure remains secure from threats such as espionage, sabotage and 
foreign interference.

The security framework introduced by the bill will “formalise the relationship” 
between government agencies and carriers, carriage service providers and 
carriage service intermediaries “to achieve more effective collaboration on the 
management of national security risks,” states the bill’s explanatory 

The legal regime introduced by the proposed regulation will require telcos to 
“do their best to protect telecommunications networks and facilities from 
unauthorised interference, or unauthorised access, for the purposes of 
security,” the bill states.

Telcos will be required to advise the government ahead of time of changes to 
their networks or facilities that may have an impact on their security, 
including plans to provide new services, procuring certain types of equipment 
or entering outsourcing arrangements. Instead of individual notifications of 
changes, a telco may submit a security capability plan that will outline 
multiple proposed changes they intend to make.

The government through the attorney-general may direct a telco to either 
undertake or not undertake certain actions.

For example, the attorney-general “may give the carrier or carriage service 
provider a written direction not to use or supply, or to cease using or 
supplying, the carriage service or the carriage services” if they are 
considered “prejudicial to security”.

If the bill is passed, the attorney-general may “give a carrier, carriage 
service provider or carriage service intermediary a written direction requiring 
the carrier, provider or intermediary to do, or to refrain from doing, a 
specified act or thing within the period specified in the direction.”

The proposed legislation could potentially see the government overriding a 
telco’s choice of equipment vendor or network design decisions.

There have been some changes between the second exposure draft and the current 
bill. For example a requirement on telcos to “do the carrier’s best or the 
provider’s best to protect telecommunications networks and facilities from 
unauthorised interference or unauthorised access to ensure” the security of 
networks and communications is slightly tweaked to cover “telecommunications 
networks and facilities owned, operated or used by the carrier or provider”.

Another changes is that the Attorney‑General’s Secretary when employing a power 
to gather information to assess possible non-compliance with the legislation 
“must have regard to the costs, in complying with any requirement in the 
notice, that would be likely to be incurred by the carrier, provider or 
intermediary”. A further change allows telcos to be reimbursed for the cost of 
copying documents sought by the government.

“Australia’s national security, economic prosperity and social well-being 
increasingly depend on the security and resilience of telecommunications 
services,” a statement issued on behalf of Brandis and communications minister 
Senator Mitch Fifield said.

This is why the Government, with the benefit of input from key 
telecommunications stakeholders, has developed this important legislation, 
which provides greater certainty for the industry and better protects 
telecommunications networks from national security threats.”

The government said the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and 
Security will hold a public inquiry into the bill.

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