> On 2018/Mar/22, at 5:27 PM, David <dloch...@key.net.au> wrote:
> On Thursday, 22 March 2018 13:37:32 AEDT Paul Bolger wrote:
>> It certainly didn't avoid, and it doesn't look like there was anything else 
>> on the road.

It looked to me like the car just drove straight into her.  You can't see much 
in the video because it was dark and the only illumination appears to be the 
car's headlights.  Never-the-less, I am sure a human driver would have seen her 
and avoided hitting her.  It didn't look like she was moving fast, just 
walking, wheeling her bike.  If this is an example of a self-driving car, it 
doesn't seem like it even basic sense.

> And it was also good weather.  Light glinting on the rims of her bicycle 
> wheels straight in front of the car is visible for about one second before 
> impact, which should have given plenty of time for emergency braking to at 
> least be initiated.
>> One thing it highlights is that a human who is supposedly waiting for the 
>> car to make a mistake is in reality not going to be able to react very fast. 
>>  It'd also be good to know how many days, weeks or months the chap in the 
>> drivers' seat had been watching and waiting for this to happen.
> Supposedly "self driving" cars should not be put on the market in the pious 
> or arse-protecting expectation that a human will take over in an emergency, 
> because that's completely unrealistic & irresponsible.  In this case the 
> driver looks as though he's engrossed in his mobile - what else would the 
> manufacturers, safety regulators, legislators, et al expect?

They know that which is why they are skipping level 4 autonomous driving 
systems and going straight to level 5.  

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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