On 2020-05-08 16:22, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:

> In fact most of the scripted propaganda/adverts re COVIDSafe has come from 
> Professor Murphy, not the politicians
> All in all the government doesn't seem to be pushing people very hard to 
> download and use it [The App] or pinning its hopes on the thing.

Perhaps the government is feeling nervous after the NBN, RoboDebt, the Census, 
the medical records initiative, penetration of Commonwealth systems by foreign 
agents, and various IT project failures, not to mention widely known problems 
with the App on iPhone.

I wonder about public psychology.  Given the current state of the CV19 epidemic 
in Australia it's unlikely the App will show any noteworthy benefit unless the 
virus re-emerges on a large scale, but intensive marketing may well lead the 
public to expect dramatic results.

The name is misleading too; "COVIDsafe" suggests it protects the citizen from 
the virus.

David Lochrin
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