On Wed, 2020-07-22 at 03:39 +0000, Stephen Loosley wrote:
> Karl writes,
> > As for discarding caution in favour of speed – God
> > give me strength, what a stupid, stupid, STUPID idea.
> One does take your perhaps rather dramatically overstated
> point Karl

Overstated? Hardly. You should have seen the first draft.

> , and for this thoughtful if ambitious article

How is a business man, selling cloud solutions, advising us to be less
cautious with our IT spend, any kind of credible author? Answer: He's
not. I do realise that this is an ad hominem argument, but nonetheless,
when the fox advocates less hen-house security one does have to
consider motive.

> .. when the federal government announced its most recent plan, it
> > detailed $72 billion in this kind of infrastructure.

They had the chance and they blew it when they didn't build a useful
NBN. If they want to get their credentials back from me, they will
spend the lot on networking. Only networking. Nothing but
networking.[1] Lots and and lots and lots of high-speed networking
across the whole country, and no that doesn't mean "Sydney".

If they want, they can also spend money on getting people connected at
high speed, as far as that is possible with the sad patchwork of
underpowered poo that we call the national network.

And the guy from the cloud will benefit too.

> So, he makes a good point .. in this digital world, is $72 billion
> spent on earth-moving, building more now-working-at-home empty roads,
> the very best idea for such significant investments?

No it's not. But there is also no need at all for risk. Build out the
network. It is an utter no-risk-at-all no-brainer that is festooned
with upsides everywhere along the timeline from short to long term and
has only one single downside, namely expense. But they *want* to spend
money, so that downside isn't there any more.

That's what should happen, but it would require admitting to the eye-
watering scale of their initial HAMFU, so it probably won't.

> Why not chance-our-hand in the digital world with a few risky ideas?

Because people with NFI and/or dollar-induced myopia are the ones
coming up with the ideas, and they are not risking *their* money. The
people taking the risks - with OUR MONEY - are more people with NFI. We
have seen that the current political class cannot be trusted with any
IT project more complex than tic-tac-toe, why on earth should we trust
them with another, still less one where we positively urge them to take

> Divert our minds from this shit-virus and on to something more
> useful.

Excellent advice. Key word - useful. Actually useful. Not "might be"
useful or "could be" useful or "who knows, maybe if we give that random
guy over there a metric shedload of cash he will do something" useful.

The network is provably, demonstrably useful.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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