> We crunched the numbers on just how inefficient wireless charging is — and 
> the results are pretty shocking
> Eric Ravenscraft
> Wireless charging is increasingly common in modern smartphones, and there’s 
> even speculation that Apple might ditch charging via a cable entirely in the 
> near future. But the slight convenience of juicing up your phone by plopping 
> it onto a pad rather than plugging it in comes with a surprisingly robust 
> environmental cost. According to new calculations from OneZero and iFixit, 
> wireless charging is drastically less efficient than charging with a cord, so 
> much so that the widespread adoption of this technology could necessitate the 
> construction of dozens of new power plants around the world. (Unless 
> manufacturers find other ways to make up for the energy drain, of course.)
> On paper, wireless charging sounds appealing. Just drop a phone down on a 
> charger and it will start charging. There’s no wear and tear on charging 
> ports, and chargers can even be built into furniture. Not all of the energy 
> that comes out of a wall outlet, however, ends up in a phone’s battery. Some 
> of it gets lost in the process as heat.
> While this is true of all forms of charging to a certain extent, wireless 
> chargers lose a lot of energy compared to cables. They get even less 
> efficient when the coils in the phone aren’t aligned properly with the coils 
> in the charging pad, a surprisingly common problem.
> To get a sense of how much extra power is lost when using wireless charging 
> versus wired charging in the real world, I tested a Pixel 4 using multiple 
> wireless chargers, as well as the standard charging cable that comes with the 
> phone. I used a high-precision power meter that sits between the charging 
> block and the power outlet to measure power consumption.
> In my tests, I found that wireless charging used, on average, around 47% more 
> power than a cable.
> Charging the phone from completely dead to 100% using a cable took an average 
> of 14.26 watt-hours (Wh). Using a wireless charger took, on average, 21.01 
> Wh. That comes out to slightly more than 47% more energy for the convenience 
> of not plugging in a cable. In other words, the phone had to work harder, 
> generate more heat, and suck up more energy when wirelessly charging to fill 
> the same size battery.
> How the phone was positioned on the charger significantly affected charging 
> efficiency. The flat Yootech charger I tested was difficult to line up 
> properly. Initially I intended to measure power consumption with the coils 
> aligned as well as possible, then intentionally misalign them to detect the 
> difference.
> Instead, during one test, I noticed that the phone wasn’t charging. It looked 
> like it was aligned properly, but while trying to fiddle with it, the 
> difference between positions that charged properly and those that didn’t 
> charge at all could be measured in millimeters. Without a visual indicator, 
> it would be impossible to tell. Without careful alignment, this could make 
> the phone take way more energy to charge than necessary or, more annoyingly, 
> not charge at all.
> The first test with the Yootech pad — before I figured out how to align the 
> coils properly — took a whopping 25.62 Wh to charge, or 80% more energy than 
> an average cable charge. Hearing about the hypothetical inefficiencies online 
> was one thing, but here I could see how I’d nearly doubled the amount of 
> power it took to charge my phone by setting it down slightly wrong instead of 
> just plugging in a cable.
> Google’s official Pixel Stand fared better, likely due to its propped-up 
> design. Since the base of the phone sits flat, the coils can only be 
> misaligned from left to right — circular pads like the Yootech allow for 
> misalignment in any direction. Again, the threshold was a few millimeters of 
> difference tops (as seen below), but the Pixel Stand continued charging while 
> misaligned, albeit slower and using more power. In general, the propped-up 
> design helped align the coils without much fiddling, but it still used an 
> average of 19.8 Wh, or 39% more power, to charge the phone than cables.
> On top of this, both wireless chargers independently consumed a small amount 
> of power when no phone was charging at all — around 0.25 watts, which might 
> not sound like much, but over 24 hours it would consume around six 
> watt-hours. A household with multiple wireless chargers left plugged in — 
> say, a charger by the bed, one in the living room, and another in the office 
> — could waste the same amount of power in a day as it would take to fully 
> charge a phone. By contrast, in my testing the normal cable charger did not 
> draw any measurable amount of power.
> While wireless charging might use relatively more power than a cable, it’s 
> often written off as negligible. The extra power consumed by charging one 
> phone with wireless charging versus a cable is the equivalent of leaving one 
> extra LED light bulb on for a few hours. It might not even register on your 
> power bill. At scale, however, it can turn into an environmental problem.
> “I think in terms of power consumption, for me worrying about how much I’m 
> paying for electricity, I don’t think it’s a factor,” Kyle Wiens, CEO of 
> iFixit, told OneZero. “If all of a sudden, the 3 billion[-plus] smartphones 
> that are in use, if all of them take 50% more power to charge, that adds up 
> to a big amount. So it’s a society-wide issue, not a personal issue.”
> To get a frame of reference for scale, iFixit helped me calculate the impact 
> that the kind of excess power drain I experienced could have if every 
> smartphone user on the planet switched to wireless charging — not a likely 
> scenario any time soon, but neither was 3.5 billion people carrying around 
> smartphones, say, 30 years ago.
> “We worked out that at 100% efficiency from wall socket to battery, it would 
> take about 73 coal power plants running for a day to charge the 3.5 billion 
> smartphone batteries once fully,” iFixit technical writer Arthur Shi told 
> OneZero. But if people place their phones wrong and reduce the efficiency of 
> their charging, the number grows: “If the wireless charging efficiency was 
> only 50%, you would need to double the [73] power plants in order to charge 
> all the batteries.”
>     If everyone in the world switched to wireless charging, it would have a 
> measurable impact on the global power grid.
> This is rough math, of course. Measuring power consumption by the number of 
> power plants devices require is a bit like measuring how many vehicles it 
> takes to transport a couple dozen people. It could take a dozen two-seat 
> convertibles, or one bus. Shi’s math assumed relatively small coal power 
> plants outputting 50 MW, as many power plants in the United States are, but 
> those same needs could also be met by a couple very large power plants 
> outputting more than 2,000 MW (of which the United States has only 29).
> However, the broader point remains the same: If everyone in the world 
> switched to wireless charging, it would have a measurable impact on the 
> global power grid. While tech companies like Apple and Google tout how 
> environmentally friendly their phones are, power consumption often goes 
> overlooked. “They want to cover the carbon impact of the product over their 
> entire life cycle?” Wiens said. “The entire life cycle includes all the power 
> that these things ever consumed plugged into the wall.”
> There are some things that companies can do to balance out the excess power 
> wireless chargers use. Manufacturers can design phones to disable wireless 
> charging if their coils aren’t aligned — instead of allowing excessively 
> inefficient charging for the sake of user experience — or design chargers to 
> hold phones so they align properly. They can also continue to offer wired 
> charging, which might mean Apple’s rumored future port-less phone would have 
> to wait.
> Finally, tech companies can work to offset their excesses in one area with 
> savings in another. Wireless charging is only one small piece of the 
> environmental picture, and environmental reports for major phones from Google 
> and Apple only loosely point to energy efficiency and make no mention of the 
> impact of using wireless chargers. There are many ways tech companies could 
> be more energy-efficient to put less strain on our power grids. Until 
> wireless charging itself gets a more thorough examination, though, the world 
> would probably be better off if we all stuck to good old-fashioned plugs.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753  aim://kimholburn
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