On 12/10/20 8:48 am, jw...@internode.on.net wrote:

... For over 1000 people!!How in the world was that ever going to
work? ...

There are specialized online proctoring products, such as ProctorU and
Proctorio. These run an application in the user's computer which limits
what they have access to and switches on the web camera on.
They look for things like another person appearing in view and then
alert human proctors to check.

I have tried on of these products: fist you hold your ID card up for the
camera to see, then pan it around the room to show no one else was
there. The test is then administered. This is a bit slow and clunky but
generally works and has been used by online universities for years. https://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/2020/05/make-online-exams-more-like-real-world.html

However, a high stakes, end of course examination is not a good way to
test real world skills. An electronic version of an exam is like trying
to improve a steam locomotive by putting wings on it.

I have never set, or sat, a real test with one of these proctoring
products. In 2008 I decided to give up giving face to face lectures, and
around the same time decided not to set exams, paper based or online.

As a student myself, I don't enroll in courses which have high stakes
examinations at the end. I don't mind a thirty minute quiz for a few
percent of the final mark, or have to give a presentation and answer
questions on it, but something which takes hours, for the majority of
the grade is not acceptable.

Unfortunately most university academics are not trained in how to
design, administer, or mark alternative forms of assessment. So they
waste a lot of time doing it badly and so tend to revert to using exams, as that is all they know. With some training in assessment, it is possible to produce better alternatives to exams.

ANU is hosting two forums on the university of the future:

* The Virtual University: Study, Community and Connections in an Age of Remote Learning", 6pm AEST Thursday 15 October 2020: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-virtual-university-study-and-community-in-the-age-of-remote-learning-tickets-124363329065

* This changes everything?! Australia and the post-pandemic world, 9am to 5pm AEST, 22 October 2020. https://ausi.anu.edu.au/events/changes-everything-australia-and-post-pandemic-world

Tom Worthington FACS CP, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Research School of Computer Science,
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/
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