
To verify your account, I would need you to give me atleast the creation
date and time of your account, and the phone number used to create the
account (no need to write it to the mailing list).

> "My phone has been used, because i have received some text messages
with a Linphone validation code."

I'm confused... I see in the database that a phone number (like you
described) was used for registration. If the phone number is correct you
could recover your password using our website.


Peio Rigaux
Junior Software Engineer
Belledonne Communications, the company behind Linphone
Linphone.org <https://linphone.org/>

Le 24/06/2020 à 13:27, Gerard Vanderveken a écrit :
> Hi,
> Thank you very much for your answer.
> My account ghia was indeed created on a tablet and then used on a phone.
> ghia ghia eu can be used as email address.
> It's possible that i was so stupid to register the account with a
> national number starting with 048426....
> If necessary to verify, it should be possible to sip call (on
> appointment).
> Best regards and TIA,
> Gerard
> PS
> I'm sorry to have posted twice. Our domain was moved to another
> server. I got a message about greylisting and I realised that the
> email adres was not the one where I registered with and so I sent
> again with that address.
> The first address was not intented but was the first in the list of
> mail identities and the default identity was not used. Solved by
> uncheck and check again.
> To my surprise i saw both messages on the list, while i had expected
> that the other mail address would have been refused by the list.
> As a last remark, i did not receive an email about your answer. For
> the 4 other posts, mine 2 included, i got a message.
> Again, apologies for the disturbance.
> Hello.
> Unless you use a tablet, you can't currently create an account on a
> phone with an email address, you need to have an account either
> created on the desktop app or on the website.
> What is your username ? I could eventually find the associated email
> address in the database _by hand_.
> As said by the website (even if the UI is misleading), you need to
> enter your username and email, OR phone number, depending on how you
> created your account.
> Do NOT enter the 3 fields, I don't know if we handle this (whether or
> not we should).
> The username to enter is the part before '@sip.linphone.org' (reminder
> : strictly speaking, sip_uri = username@domain).
> Concerning the initial value of the phone number, it is not taken into
> account when you fill the username and email fields.
> P.S. : I know that there is some improvements to do regarding website
> UI. It is noted but not scheduled yet, as we have a lot of work to do
> regarding Linphone itself.
> Regards,
> Peio Rigaux
> Junior Software Engineer
> Belledonne Communications, the company behind Linphone
> Linphone.org <https://linphone.org/>
> Gerard Vanderveken schreef op 2020-06-22 08:03:
>> Hi,
>> I have an account at linphone.org and 2 Android devices. One connects
>> to the account after starting the app.
>> The other did too, but in setup - preferences had several times the
>> same account at sip.linphone.org listed and they all showed
>> connected. So, I deleted all of them exept the default one. Since
>> then the app does not connect.
>> I guess this default (first) account could have been set up with a
>> wrong or changed password.
>> I tried to enter the password in the account settings, but probably i
>> do not remember it correctly, as it does not fit either on the
>> website <https://www.linphone.org/freesip/home>. Problem is that i
>> misplaced the note from when i created the account and did not enter
>> it in my password safe.
>> So, i tried to recover the password
>> <https://www.linphone.org/freesip/recover>. This should be strait
>> forward and easy, but to complicate things further, I do also not
>> remember which email address i used to register. I searched my email
>> boxes, but i received no messages from linphone.org
>> My phone has been used, because i have received some text messages
>> with a Linphone validation code.
>> After trying countless combinations, with no avail, i am puzzled!
>> The site says: "Please enter your username and your email, or your
>> phone number" suggesting one of the two should do.
>> Can you recover with only 2 fields or are all 3 needed?
>> The usernane is that the part before @sip.linphone.org from the account?
>> Or must @sip.linphone.org included?
>> Or is it an other name / alias in the account?
>> I tried with the account name (with and without @sip.linphone.org)
>> and the phone number, but always error message "Please enter your
>> user name and email or your phone number."
>> When trying with an email address, the phone number has an initial
>> value of +33. Should this be erased? Or does it not matter?
>> With an email address i get always: An error occured:
>> Is there some way to recover which email address was used?
>> Or where to find assistance to unlock the account?
>> Regards
>> Gerard aka ghia
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