
Could you send us logs (don't forget to turn them on in advanced settings) of the issue if you reproduce it with Linphone app from the Play Store please? You can also open an issue on github (don't forget the logs) if you prefer we continue discussing this matter over there instead on the mailing list.

Best regards,

Sylvain Berfini
*Head of Mobile & Desktop Apps Department*

+33 (0)9 52 63 65 05

Discover our solutions in 3 minutes! <https://player.vimeo.com/video/393868225?autoplay=1>

/Belledonne Communications, the company behind the Linphone project/

Le 04/04/2023 à 12:15, antonio lecha.infopyme a écrit :
Dear Linphone Development Team,

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that we have been experiencing with the Linphone Android app. Specifically, incoming video calls are being automatically disconnected after approximately 32 seconds by the Linphone app.

Our video call system is based on Asterisk,
and we occasionally use the Linphone Android app to receive video calls.
We have configured the Linphone app to use custom SIP accounts with UDP transport.

We have noticed that since the update to version 5.0.0 2022-12-06,
the app has been experiencing issues where incoming video calls are being disconnected after 32 seconds.

This issue is occurring consistently with versions 5.0.x,
but we have tested previous versions of the app (such as linphone-android-4.6.14.apk 2022-09-20)
and have not experienced this problem.

As this feature is critical to our operations,
we would appreciate any assistance that you could provide to help us resolve this issue. We are confident that you will do everything possible to ensure that the app is functioning correctly and would like to express our gratitude for your efforts in maintaining this amazing project.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


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