> This is still easy to parse, since all a user needs to do is something like

    struct NET_RX_STRUCT *rx_packet;
    char *my_data;
    short i, my_data_len;

    rx_packet = ReceiveData();
    my_data = ((char *) rx_packet) + rx_packet->header_len;
    for(i = 0; i < rx_packet->data_len; i++)
Yes, but but these modern ways of writing scares off all my
friends who can use old-fashioned C but not C++.

First of all ReceiveData() has to be written, separate
buffers of size NET_RX_STRUCT have to be allocated and
managed etc. I do not currently have such code and I suspect
it involves needless copy operations. I am looking
for bandwidths of 2 MHz and above (for VHF noise blanking
to remove static rain) so needless copy - probably
up and down to main memory is something I want to avoid.

I've never written a single line of C++ in my life. As for the ReceiveData() function, that line can be directly replaced with your recvfrom() call (I just was too lazy too look up recvfrom() when I wrote that example). I don't see that having a header in front of the package needs more copy calls than one after the package; even if it did, it matters very little on modern CPUs (packets this size will remain entirely within the CPU cache). Zero-copy architectures make sense for hi-speed packet switching on slow computers; as soon as you add any processing on the data, that single extra copy gets lost in the noise. Cache line/block alignment is much more important for performance.

 > This is enough for basic decoding of any stream, no ? Even the center
 frequency can be seen as superfluous (since it's only for display and
 not strictly needed for decoding).
The primary usage of the Linrad network was for the second operator
in a contest station. It is an obvious advantage that the display
is always correct - particularly if several bands are monitored

 I cannot imagine what systems would evolve over the coming five years
 that couldn't fit in this framework.
Linrad can also send data in the frequency domain and there is
quite a lot of info that a slave will need. Admittedly those
formats are likely to be used by Linrad only but they carry
many more complications.

OK, I see.

I was assuming that the multicast connection would be used for distributing raw data only. Re-reading your earlier posts it looks like you want to be able to send both raw *and* cooked (processed) data. Why ? Do you expect the slaves to be much slower than the master ? Do you want to have an exact, synchronized display on multiple machines ?

Looking at other network protocols (especially streaming), it has historically been a bad idea to combine multiple modes into one protocol, for reasons of maintainability, performance and clarity. Linrad is your code, and it's completely up to you, but might I suggest you consider either splitting the transmission modes in raw and cooked, or (better) multicasting only raw, unprocessed data and sending all filter parameters over a separate channel ?

 > [about an ADC-to-Ethernet]
Probably it would be better to connect it to a socket on a
dedicated ethernet port on one computer, the one which has
the controls for the radio hardware connected to this soundcard.
The master wants 100% reliable data because I assume you do not
want to put the master system clock on the audio-to-Ethernet

Why not ? It has a GPS-controlled OCXO to synchronize all sampling clocks and to keep time, isn't that sufficient ?

Are you aware of any standard format for streaming unprocessed
audio data?

At my previous job we had a few, but they were paper-only. There is MADI (digital audio) and SMPTE-259M (digital video) over ATM, but that doesn't quite apply here. I believe the AES have some, but those are for-pay documents, and I'm not an AES member anymore.

What data format were you contemplating before this discussion

Pretty much what I described above: header with header length, data length, number of channels, sample size, sample rate, timestamp and a few descriptive fields (with a version field, so that -- if truly necessary -- upgrades are possible). Nothing that isn't strictly required: less is more.

It's what everybody else does. I know that that's not much of an argument ('50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong'), but in 15 years of working on network protocols, this is pretty much the only way that I've seen working reliably for successful sampled AV or radio projects (I've seen a similar system used on an antenna array for MIMO trials). Conversely, I have never ever seen a combined raw/cooked protocol that worked, or better: that remained working. Or it evolved into something like WAV: a historical accident that everyone loves to hate.

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                   -- RFC 1925, "Fundamental Truths of Networking"

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