Hi all,

The network is now working fine although several things
are still missing. I have decided to abandon the idea
of using 1024 byte fixed block size because the network
in itself is too much CPU load to make it attractive on
old computers at high data rates.

As it turns out the size of the packet does not matter
at all for the CPU load and it does not matter when
two computers are tied directly to each other. When
the packets have to pass a switch it is different however.
At high rates the network does not work through the 
switch if the packet size is a little above 1500 bytes,
but it works well when the size is a little below.

Besides allowing MAP65 and other external softwares
the Linrad network is intended to encourage experimentation.
I have decided to not freeze the protocol at an early stage.
With routines that copy data from a buffer of an arbitrary 
size (it has to be a multiple of 12 however) the size
can be adjusted in case there will be future needs.
The current payload is 1404 bytes plus a 24 byte header.

One of the obvious experiments is to process the data
with different number of bits simultaneously. The
result is presented here:
There is also some more info about the network on
this page.


    Leif / SM5BSZ

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