Hi Ernst,

> I want to upgrade linrad to an Athlon 4200 MHZ on an Asus Motherboard M2N-E
> .
> I have installed SuSe 10.2 (64bit), gcc,nasm svgalib.
> The linrad installation  failed during make command at the calibrate.c line.
> In the web i found an hint that this problem could be caused by 64 Bit
> systems.
> If so, is there a solution available?

Presumably something is changed in GCC (again) making something
that was legal before unacceptable to the compiler.

SuSe 10.2 is new, the latest I have tried is SuSe 10.1.
If you send the exact error message there is a chance I can
understand what the problem is and make a change. 

Compilers gradually become more careful in testing variable 
types and I change Linrad accordingly from time to time.

It has nothing to do with 64 bit systems. They will happily
execute the 32 bit code that the Linrad Makefile will generate.
Changing Linrad to 64 bit code will probably just be a 
disadvantage. There is no need for the gigant address space....
Whether 32 bit or 64 bit code is generated is controlled by
flags in Makefile. Linrad is not written to be compiled
for 64 bits. It will not work at all.

What is your GCC version (type gcc -v)?

The latest I have checked Linrad against is:
gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
But the compiler is compiled for 32 bit machines.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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