Hello, All,

I have gotten 32 bit XLINRAD [versions 2.17, 2.19, 2.21] to compile fine and to run overnight with no problem on Ubuntu 64 bit system. For as long as I have left it running and 'locked in' on a received signal, it has performed flawlessly.

However, clicking on the waterfall or spectrum to select a new signal will SOMETIMES [but not always] cause linrad to crash in one of 3 ways: xlinrad window and audio lock up [can exit by clicking on 'X' in upper right hand corner of xlinrad window], or Linrad error message screen [" [1026]routine:close_audio_output file:lsetad.c call to ioctl failed (SNDCTL_DSP_REESET)] appears, or Linrad screen disappears and user is thrown back to terminal screen. Playing around with the mouse on the screen in any other manner doesn't cause a problem.

As long as you are not selecting new signals, Linrad 'seems' to run fine forever.

Xlinrad running on a 32 bit system does not have this problem.

I believe that these issues involve the 32 bit libraries that I brought from another, 32 bit Ubuntu install for this purpose.

I have gotten 32 bit LINRAD FOR SVGALIB to compile fine and to run as far as the startup screens to on Ubuntu 64 bit system. I have not gotten it to run fully.

Because the description of HOWTO do all of this has gotten rather lengthy, I have placed it on the web at:


I have also placed on that webpage links to valgrind output files for the following programs which I compiled as 32 bit versions and ran on the Ubuntu 64 bit system

linrad [for svgalib].

My hope is that others with far more computer expertise than I have can review these items and suggest to the list [or to me privately if they prefer] how to proceed to improve things so that the remaining problems with 32 bit Linrad on 64 bit Linux are overcome. I do not NEED to get this working at all, as I currently have fully functional Linrad, xlinrad, and Linrad for Windows on at least 7 machines here with a total of at least 20 different versions [32 bit, 64 bit, realtime, non-realtime, Debian, Ubuntu, and even an old RedHat in various permutations] of Linux and at least 3 versions of Windows. So I need to run another 'flavor' of Linrad like I need a nail thru my coax ;) But I would like to 'advance the art' for those who have a real need to get Linrad running on a 64 bit OS by getting the final bugs out of this.

Thanks and have a great weekend, and


Roger Rehr

Roger Rehr

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